Sunday, January 6, 2008


I had a discussion with a good friend about my "Common Sense Principle" post, where they wondered if I was talking about them. They wondered if I was sending a message to them without trying to seem offensive and avoid confrontation. I assured them I was not, and as I read that post I started wondering if I had actually made more people think I was talking to them. Let me explain my last post.

I'm following the political caucuses and am constantly irritated by politicians who say they are champions for the middle class, yet line their pockets with money and favors from special interest groups. That was reason number one in my last post. Republican, democrat; there ain't a dime's worth of difference in either of them.

I also work for a government agency. It's difficult to decipher the real goals of the people I work with daily - and I'm not saying that they are all wrong or deceitful. I'm simply saying that the way government seems to work in my decade of public service is that everyone tries to tell everyone else just enough to get them to do whatever it is they want them to do. Whether that is to vote for them or to buy a pen, it makes no difference. We have trouble being up front and honest in most communication. Contrary to cinematic assertion, I think we *can* handle the truth.

So I apologize to you, my good friend, and hope that you understand my last point better today. I also have not missed the irony that I did exactly that same thing in that last post. I said only enough to help people think what I wanted them to think. I'll try to do better next time.

I also promised that, should I have an issue with them, I would not blog it to them. I will come directly to them. Who knows, perhaps 2008 will be the year of the new, improved, straight-talking Greg...

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