Friday, July 30, 2010

Goodbye. Hello.

Tuesday, I said goodbye to an old friend of mine. I affectionately called her "Chocolate Lucy" since the time we met in 1998. I walked out of Willie's American Guitars in St Paul, MN with a 1975 Fender Stratocaster, mocha in color, maple of neck. We made beautiful music together for the past 12 years. I've spent some of the finest musical moments of my life with her, starting with the heavy jam-band "The Phat Sells" and ending with "Green Light Night" here in 2010. She is beautiful, and I know she'll make another player extremely happy. Here we are on our last official gig together.

As you can see, she was not without blemish, but I loved her just the same. But for the last 12 years I've been keeping a secret from her...

When we met I was in love with another, but just couldn't make it work. I walked into Rock Town Music on Monday and found her again, but where she was out of my league and reach in '98, this time she was available. Tuesday, we made the deal and I brought her home:

From the first caress of her oval neck and Pau Ferro fingerboard, I knew this was it. I'd wanted her 12 years ago, and have been waiting all this time for the right moment.

And now she's my #1 axe. She screams. She sobs. She wails. She's smooth as silk and edgy as could be - all within the same solo. She inspires me to play again.

So goodbye, Chocolate Lucy. You've been a great friend and I'm forever grateful for having you. But our time is up, and now it's on to the future.

NoBelly Rolling is back, ladies and gentlemen. Watch for new music here.


crazylady said...

you should see about playing at Webers deck this summer. We could be your agent and set you up. We know Casey Weber.

Greg said...

I'd love to play at Weber's, actually. As a matter of fact, we could do a real old-fashioned cowboy sing, you're the best agent/manager I've ever had!

I may need a bus to bring the family/educational system along, though, too. Can you hook me up with that?